Monday, March 3, 2014

     I am strongly motivated to share information about the interaction of angels on Earth. I started with the fact that there are many names for our home planet. Each culture has a name, most of which mean dirt or soil or just the ground we stand on. No descriptive of what it is in total or why we are here. I have seen that between the first and second chapters of Genesis one angel challenged God and would not submit to the foundational reality of God.

     This angel fell from Grace and one third of the angels went with him. Where they went was here, our home planet. They were in fact 'hurled' down to the Earth and will operate here until the end of the Earth as we know it. There will be a new Earth and a New Heaven after that. The fallen angels interacted with the people on the Earth and had offspring called the Nephilim. A major reason for the Great Flood, (the new Noah movie has nothing to say about this) was to rid the surface of the Earth of the Nephilim.

     Since that time fallen angels, also known as Demons have occasionally inhabited people's bodies as is seen in a close look at serial killers when they are caught and then when they are ready for trial. You can see that something has left the body by the time the trial comes. The eyes are dead. The main way that the fallen angels influence people today is the culture. There is almost no room for being good any longer. I should not pick on this generation because each generation since the time of Job has been called 'this generation of vipers'.

     The purpose for all this effort by the fallen angels is to turn people away from God, a belief in God or from being in love with God. In order for a soul to be lost the person does not have to chose to love satan but just merely to turn away from God. It becomes a battle between God and satan for the souls of each person every day. This battle is fought on Earth but it is called by the angels, The Arena of God.

     God in omnipotent and omnipresent and omniscient. Satan is not. Satan and his minions cannot be everywhere all the time so there is a system of Principalities that cover the Earth and there is a power in charge of each. The fallen angels are called the minions of data now. Beware.

     If you are confronted by satan or one of his minions then you have God to protect you, if you are a believer. If you belong to God then you can tell satan and his minions not to bother you but to take their problem up with your Lord. If you do not belong to God then you are vulnerable to attack.

     Remember that God does not love, God is love.  God does not tell the truth, God is the truth. There are still the two thirds of the good angels left working for God always. They do the bidding of God and interact with people as well. We are told that by the end of our lives on Earth we will have spoken with angels.

The more you know about this the more danger you are in.